Matthew 6: Discussion Questions

May 4, 2021 in Today's Q&A by TGV

Bible Study Guide/ Matthew 6, (40-BSG-6K)/ Discussion Questions


To Think About And Discuss[1] Why should giving, praying and fasting be done in secret? (Mt 6: 4, 6, 18)

[2] What is required of us in order to obtain forgiveness from God? (Mt 6:14-15)

[3] Why is it not worth while to lay up treasure upon earth? (Mt 6:19); Where should we lay up our treasures instead? What shows that the heavenly treasure is secure? (v. 20)

[4] Why can no man serve two masters? (Mt 6:24) What two masters are mentioned here?

[5] What two examples in nature did Jesus give us showing us God’s provision? (Mt 6: 26,28)

[6] According to The Sermon on the Mount what three things were considered by Jesus to be of top priority? (Mt 5:24; 6:33; 7:5)

[7] Why shouldn’t we be over anxious about tomorrow? (Mt 6:34)

For Further Study[8] Study the model prayer given by our LORD, asking yourself these questions—[a] How many times is the name of God mentioned? And in what form? [b] How many distinct things are asked for? [c] Would the answer to this prayer cover our essential needs each day?

[9] Why Jesus taught His disciples this prayer? Discuss main elements of this pray and why everybody need to know them?

[10] What is the condition of obtaining forgiveness? (Mt 6:14-15). What about that enemy of yours who (unfortunately died) before you forgive him/ her… does that mean that God will never forgive you? What about those who have refused to “settle the matters,” despite the many attempts you have tried thus far?

For Self-Examination[11] Are you experiencing a dynamic prayer life? Is there something that God is teaching you about prayer that He wants you to do?

For Life Today [12]  God’s name stands for His nature, character, personality (Ps. 9:10). A deeper revealing of God’s character is found in Exodus 34:6-7 – He is “The Lord, the Lord God, compassionate and gracious, slow to anger, and abounding in lovingkindness and truth (faithfulness); keeping mercy and lovingkindness for thousands, forgiving iniquity and transgression and sin..” etc. How do you treat God’s holy name differently from all other names?

For Going Deeper [13] The counsel on Worry and Anxiety: Consider again the major truth expressed in Matthew 6:33. How does Mt 6:34 and Gen 22:14; Ex. 16:18-20 expand your understanding of this truth?

For Personal Implications [14] Pray the Lord’s Prayer, stopping at each phrase and expanding on it to reflect your own prayer from your heart.


The End: Welcome for comments, further discussion as we attempt to answer these questions. Use the Bible, Commentaries, Dictionaries, etc. God Bless You!


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