Psalm 1: Bible Study Guide

May 7, 2023 in Today's Q&A by TGV


Bible Study Guide/ Psalm 1, (19-BSG-1J)/ In a brief paragraph, answer the questions or main points you have learned about this chapter.

[1] What does it mean to be blessed? (1:1) The word “happy” or “blessed” describes a rewarding and fulfilling life. It is a deep-seated joy and contentment in God. It is much more than a feeling— it is a joyous position resulting from a right relationship with God (cf. Psa. 91:1-2).

[2] What are the characteristics of the ungodly men? (1:1-6)

  1. They “walk,” “stand,” and “sit”—these are three degrees of progression in sin.
  2. They are like a “chaff,”— meaning they are worthless before a holy God.
  3. They will not stand (but fall) on the day of judgment.
  4. They will be cast forth from the congregation of the righteous (cf. Psa. 37:10, 11).
  5. They will perish along with their evil ways (v. 6)

[3] What are the characteristics of the godly man? (1:1-6)

  1. He delights in God’s law.
  2. He meditates upon God—His word, law, and attributes.
  3. He is deeply rooted (established) in the truths about God.
  4. He is constantly nourished by the water of the Spirit.
  5. He is continually fruitful (in good works).
  6. He is unfading (always manifesting spiritual life, growth, and beauty).
  7. He is ever prosperous (in all of his undertakings).
  8. He walks on a path known to God— the path of righteousness. Thus, he is constantly preserved (1:6).

[4] What kind of person experiences a blessed, rewarding, and meaningful life? (1:1) The psalmist answers by describing what the blessed person avoids. Note the three degrees of progression in sin— “walk,” “stand,” and “sit.”

  1. Walking in the “counsel” of the ungodly. The “counsel” implies secrecy! That is, following perhaps from a distant (or secretly) the ungodly evil suggestions, advice, plans, and practices. “Walking” means a way of life. It is difficult to avoid becoming like those we walk with daily. Walking in the counsel of the ungodly means accepting/ approving their way of life— disobedience to God’s law.
  2. Standing in the “pathway” where sinners walk. The “way” implies openness! It describes a new way of a life of disobedience. “Standing” conveys the idea of lingering or staying a while; stopping by to look for something and listen; hanging around/ or hanging out with someone (evil company).
  3. Sitting where sinners—(the scornful and mockers) gather. “Sinners” are those who practice evil. The “scornful” are those who openly scoff at God—His word, will, and ways. Sin is the transgression of God’s law (1 Jn 3:4)— missing the mark of God’s righteousness. “Sitting” implies boldness!— relaxing, resting, and dwelling in sin. It is when we reach a stage of comfortability with sin. When we enjoy, cherish, and value it, it becomes part and parcel of our life. Sin is like cancer. It starts slowly and then develops into something irreversible and deadly.
  • “Let no one say when he is tempted, “I am tempted by God”; for God cannot be tempted by evil, nor does He Himself tempt anyone. But each one is tempted when he is drawn away by his own desires and enticed. Then, when desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and sin, when it is full-grown, brings forth death.” (James 1:13–15, NKJV)

[5] What is the Law of the Lord? (1:2) The Law was used for the first five Books of Moses (the Pentateuch), the Ten Commandments, or the whole Scriptures.

[5] Who should meditate on the Law? (1:2) Everyone. But unfortunately, only the righteous do this.

[7] What are the results of obeying the Law of the Lord? (1:3)

  • “And he shall be like a tree firmly planted [and tended] by the streams of water, ready to bring forth its fruit in its season; its leaf also shall not fade or wither; and everything he does shall prosper [and come to maturity].” (Psalm 1:3, AMP)
  • When we feed on/obey God’s word, we get wisdom (getting to know God better), growth (growing in Christ), strength (tackling life situations), spiritual stability (conquering temptations and sin), and developing godly character. Above all, receiving God’s blessings.

[8] The ungodly are liken to what? (1:4) The chaff or wind-blown dust.

[9] What is chaff? (1:4) Chaff [Heb. mos] is the worthless husk material surrounding a plant’s ripe seed. It is the non-fruit part of a grain plant—the seed coverings (husks), stems, leaves, or dust.

  1. In the Bible, the chaff was usually burned (Ex. 15:7; Isa. 5:24; Mt. 3:12). After wheat is harvested, the chaff is separated from the grain in a process called winnowing (Mt. 3:12). Sometimes the word meant dried grass or hay (Isa. 5:24; 33:11).
  2. False doctrines are also called chaff (Jer. 23:28 ). Chaff is light and thus susceptible to being blown away in the wind.
  3. In this opening chapter, the worthless chaff symbolizes the ungodly (the wicked), who are opposed to God and His word, who, as a result, will be separated from the righteous at the judgment.

[10] What will be the doom of the ungodly? (1:5)

  1. They will be condemned and sentenced to die on the day of judgment.
  2. They will have no place among the godly.
  3. The wicked (those disobeying God and His word) cannot stand in judgment.
  4. The righteous (those who are upright and in right standing with God) will be vindicated.
  5. The righteous are justified by Christ—who imparts His righteousness to them, thereby counted worth before the Judgment seat of Christ (2 Cor. 5:10)
  6. Christ said that on the day of Judgment, He shall separate “the chaff” (sinners) from the righteous and render a just reward (cf. Mt 25:31-32, 33, 41, 46).

[11] What does the Lord know? (1:6)— He knows, acknowledges, and respects His obedient children. He watches over the path of the godly.  “For the Lord knows and is fully acquainted with the way of the righteous, but the way of the ungodly [those living outside God’s will] shall perish (end in ruin and come to nought).” (Psalm 1:6, AMP)


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